New Configuration Sections in

ASP.NET configuration settings with XML configuration tags of your own. To do this, you must create your own configuration section handler. The handler must be a .NET Framework class that implements the IConfigurationSectionHandler interface. The section handler interprets and processes the settings defined in XML tags within a specific portion of a Web.config file and returns an appropriate configuration object based on the configuration settings. The configuration object that the handler class returns can be any data structure; it is not limited to any base configuration class or configuration format.

The following example defines an IConfigurationSectionHandler interface.

namespace System.Web.Configuration
public interface IConfigurationSectionHandler
public Object Create(Object parent, Object input,
XmlNode node);

You can also define your own section that uses the same configuration handler as the <appSettings> section. For example:

<sectionGroup name="myGroup">
<sectionGroup name="nestedGroup">
<section name="mySection" type=

<add key="key_one" value="1"/>
<add key="key_two" value="2"/>

You can read the value of the new configuration section defined in the preceding example as follows:
NameValueCollection config = (NameValueCollection)
Response.Write("The value of key_one is " + Server.HtmlEncode(config["key_one"]) + "<br>");
Response.Write("The value of key_two is " + Server.HtmlEncode(config["key_two"]) + "<br>");
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