Website Traffic Come From Search Engine and Referral Traffic, First write good article + optimize it for a specific keyword phrase. You get inbound links to that post. People search for that phrase, click through and you have highly targeted traffic that was searching for exactly what you offer on that page.
Submit Your Blog to Search Engines, popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo! by submitting your blog's URL to them. Most search engines provide a 'Submit' link (or something similar) to notify the search engine of your new blog, so those search engines will crawl it.
Commenting is a simple and essential tool to increase your blog's traffic. First, respond to comments left on your blog to show your readers that you value their opinions and draw them into a two-way conversation.
Syndicate Your Blog's Content with an RSS Feed.
Proper Tag Your Posts for additional traffic increase in your blog.
Submit Your Posts to Social Bookmarking Sites because it is good way to increase your traffic.
Participate at Related Forums & Blogs you may need to think one or two levels broader than your own content to find a large community.
Link Intelligently When you link out in your blog posts, use convention where applicable and creativity when warranted, but be aware of how the links you serve are part of the content you provide.
Invite Guest Bloggers for write your blog article it is good way to rich your blog traffic.
Implement Smart URLs for crawl in search engine.
Watched our Google Analytics stats and keywords used on search engines that brought individuals to the new post. We started to see the exact topics and keywords that people were searching for that weren’t necessarily being covered the larger blogs. From that data, we had exactly what we needed to write very targeted articles that wouldn’t receive millions of hits like the other blogs, but could still welcome a nice flood of traffic.
Submit Your Blog to Search Engines, popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo! by submitting your blog's URL to them. Most search engines provide a 'Submit' link (or something similar) to notify the search engine of your new blog, so those search engines will crawl it.
Commenting is a simple and essential tool to increase your blog's traffic. First, respond to comments left on your blog to show your readers that you value their opinions and draw them into a two-way conversation.
Syndicate Your Blog's Content with an RSS Feed.
Proper Tag Your Posts for additional traffic increase in your blog.
Submit Your Posts to Social Bookmarking Sites because it is good way to increase your traffic.
Participate at Related Forums & Blogs you may need to think one or two levels broader than your own content to find a large community.
Link Intelligently When you link out in your blog posts, use convention where applicable and creativity when warranted, but be aware of how the links you serve are part of the content you provide.
Invite Guest Bloggers for write your blog article it is good way to rich your blog traffic.
Implement Smart URLs for crawl in search engine.
Watched our Google Analytics stats and keywords used on search engines that brought individuals to the new post. We started to see the exact topics and keywords that people were searching for that weren’t necessarily being covered the larger blogs. From that data, we had exactly what we needed to write very targeted articles that wouldn’t receive millions of hits like the other blogs, but could still welcome a nice flood of traffic.