Pheedo Inc.: This RSS advertising platform offers interactive triggers and video options.
Feedvertising: A part of Text Link Ads, Feedvertising embeds ads in your RSS feed.
CrispAds: This blog-focused ad network allows you to place ads directly into entries so they'll show up both on your site and in feeds.
FeedBurner Inc.: FeedBurner's ads are embedded in RSS feeds,and feature high-quality advertisers like Discover Band, Best Buy and Comcast.
FeedM8: FeedM8's service makes your blog ready for mobile content and embeds mobile-appropriate advertising.
Feedvertising: A part of Text Link Ads, Feedvertising embeds ads in your RSS feed.
CrispAds: This blog-focused ad network allows you to place ads directly into entries so they'll show up both on your site and in feeds.
FeedBurner Inc.: FeedBurner's ads are embedded in RSS feeds,and feature high-quality advertisers like Discover Band, Best Buy and Comcast.
FeedM8: FeedM8's service makes your blog ready for mobile content and embeds mobile-appropriate advertising.