What is Blogger - How to Blog - The Blog - The Blogspot? Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows private or multi-user blogs.
How to blog - A blog is basically a type of website, like a forum or a social bookmarking site. As such it is defined by the technical aspects and features around it, and not by the content published inside it.
The features blogs Tips and Tricks different from other websites are:
Content is published in a chronological fashion.
Content is updated regularly.
Readers have the possibility to leave comments.
Other blog authors can interact via trackbacks and pingbacks.
Content is syndicated via RSS feeds.
The blog Blogspot introduced new features into Blogger:
The blogspot Adding location to posts via geotagging.
Blogspot Blogs Post time-stamping at publication, not at original creation.
Blogspot Blogs Vertical re-sizing of the post editor. The size is saved in a per-user, per-blog preference.
Blogspot Blogs Link editing in Compose mode.
Blogger Full Safari 3 support and fidelity on both Windows and Mac OS.
The blogspot New Preview dialog that shows posts in a width and font size approximating what is seen in the published view.
The blog Placeholder image for tags so that embeds are movable in Compose mode.
The blog New toolbar with Google aesthetics, faster loading time, and "undo" and "redo" buttons.
Blogger has imposed the following limitations:
Blogger Blogspot Blog, Number of blogs = Unlimited
Blogger Size of pages = Individual pages are limited to 1 MB
Blogger Number of labels = 2,000 unique labels per blog, 20 unique labels per post
Blogspot Blog Number of pictures (hyperlinked from user's Picasa Web Album) = Up to 1 GB of free storage
Setting up a Blogger account takes three easy steps. Create an account, name your blog, and choose a template. You can host multiple blogs with the same account name, so you only need to do that part once. This way you could separate your professional blog about your business from your personal blog about your blog name, for instance.
What is Blogger - How to Blog - The Blog - The Blogspot | Tips and Tricks, Blog Blogspot
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