.Net Framework Control, ASP.NET Controls

The ASP.NET Framework contains over 70 controls.

You should always assign an ID attribute to every control even when you don’t need to program against it.

. Standard Controls—The standard controls enable you to render standard form elements such as buttons, input fields, and labels.

. Validation Controls—The validation controls enable you to validate form data before you submit the data to the server. For example, you can use a RequiredFieldValidator control to check whether a user entered a value for a required input field.

. Rich Controls—The rich controls enable you to render things such as calendars, file upload buttons, rotating banner advertisements, and multi-step wizards.

. Data Controls—The data controls enable you to work with data such as database data. For example, you can use these controls to submit new records to a database table or display a list of database records.

. Navigation Controls—The navigation controls enable you to display standard navigation elements such as menus, tree views, and bread crumb trails.

. Login Controls—The login controls enable you to display login, change password, and registration forms.

. HTML Controls—The HTML controls enable you to convert any HTML tag into a server- side control.
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