There are number of important settings that can be stored in the configuration file. Here are some of the most frequently used configurations, stored conveniently inside Web.config file..
ASP.NET Cookies Overview A cookie is a small bit of text that accompanies requests and pages as they go between the Web server and browser. The cookie contains information the Web application can read…
Master Pages in Visual Studio 2008 The way you use Master pages has changed in Visual Studio 2008. Remember, how in Visual Studio 2005 when you add a new Web Form in ASP.NET applications - you get to choose a…
ASP.Net Stateless Web One of the difficulties of Web programming is that it takes place in a stateless environment. That is, information that is generated on one page is not normally accessible by any…
Data Caching Example, How Data Caching work in ASP.Net Caching of data can dramatically improve the performance of an application by reducing database contention and round-trips. Simply data caching store the required data in cache so…
Apply ASP.NET Themes Programmatically Theme and skin preferences in page declarations and configuration files, you can apply themes programmatically. You can set both page themes and style sheet themes…
Global.asx Used in ASP.Net Application The Global.asx file is an optional file that contains code for responding to application level events raised by ASP.NET. This file is also called as ASP.NET application file. This…