Disadvantages QueryString approach in ASP.Net

QueryString property of Request Object. When surfing internet you should have seen weird internet address such as one below.


This html addresses use QueryString property to pass values between pages.

Disadvantages of this approach
  • QueryString have a max length, If you have to send a lot information this approach does not work.
  • QueryString is visible in your address part of your browser so you should not use it with sensitive information.
  • QueryString can not be used to send & and space characters.
If you write this code and try them you will see that you have a problems with space and & characters, e.g. if you need to send a variable which contains & such as "Mark & Spencer". There must be a solution for this problem. If you look to Google�s query string you will see that it contains a lot of %20. This is the solution of our third disadvantage. Replace space with %20 and & with %26 for example.

private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
string p1 = this.txtName.Text.Replace("&","%26");
p1 = this.txtName.Text.Replace(" ","%20");

string p2 = this.txtArticle.Text.Replace("&","%26");
p2 = this.txtArticle.Text.Replace(" ","%20");

string redirectweb= "WebForm.aspx?" + "Name=" + p1 + "&Article=" + p2;

Since this is a such a common problem Asp.Net should have some way to solve. There it is Server.UrlEncode. Server.UrlEncode method changes your query strings to so that they will not create problems.

private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Response.Redirect("WebForm.Aspx?" +
"Name=" + Server.UrlEncode(this.txtName.Text) +
"&Article=" + Server.UrlEncode(this.txtArticle.Text));
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