.NET Permissions and Protected Resources

what permissions come with .NET Framework, While this article only focuses on existing permissions, because CAS is configurable, you can build your own permission classes. To help make it easier to apply policy, .NET lets you combine permissions into permission sets.

Evidence represents the origin of code. At run time, the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) gathers evidence on an assembly that it uses for security as the application executes.

Permission Type :: Protects
  1. AspNetHostingPermission :: ASP.NET hosted environment
  2. DirectoryServicesPermission :: Active Directory
  3. DnsPermission :: DNS
  4. EnvironmentPermission :: Environment variables
  5. EventLogPermission :: Windows EventLog
  6. FileDialogPermission :: Open and save common dialogs
  7. FileIOPermission :: Reading and writing to files
  8. IsolatedStorageFilePermission :: Isolated storage
  9. MessageQueuePermission :: MSMQ
  10. OdbcPermission :: ODBC data sources
  11. OleDbPermission :: OLE DB data source
  12. OraclePermission :: Oracle
  13. PerformanceCounterPermission :: Performance counters in the Windows Performance Monitor
  14. PrintingPermission :: Printer
  15. ReflectionPermission :: Reflecting on types
  16. RegistryPermission :: Windows registry
  17. SecurityPermission :: Working with permissions, security, and unmanaged code
  18. ServiceControllerPermission :: Access to Windows services
  19. SocketPermission :: Socket IO
  20. SqlClientPermission :: SQL Server
  21. UIPermission :: User interface drawing
  22. WebPermission :: Access Web pages

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