Display Your Banners & Ads All Over the Internet

If you've spent any time surfing the Internet, you've seen more than your fair share of banner ads. These small rectangular advertisements appear on all sorts of Web pages and vary considerably in appearance and subject matter, but they all share a basic function: if you click on them, your Internet browser will take you to the advertiser's Web site. But how do they work and why are they there?

Banner ads are usually relatively simple pieces of HTML code, but their presence on the Web and their importance in Internet-based business is immense.

In this article, we'll examine banner ads and their place on the Internet. We'll see how they work, how advertisers rate their effectiveness, and how you can use them to advertise your site or­ bring in revenue.

A web banner or banner ad is a form of advertising on the World Wide Web. This form of online advertising entails embedding an advertisement into a web page. It is intended to attract traffic to a website or landing page by linking to the website of the advertiser.

The web banner is displayed when a web page that references the banner is loaded into a web browser. This event is known as an "impression". When the viewer clicks on the banner , the viewer is directed to the website or landing page advertised in the banner . This event is known as a "click through". In many cases, banners are delivered by a central ad server.

Banner Advertising , Website Promotion, Boost Your Targeted Traffic & Build Your Brand!
Delivers VOLUMES of Traffic - Buy Banner Impressions and/or Click-thru's

Geo-Target Your Preferred Advertising Regions & Acquire the Customers You Need

Chose From Over 44 Different Targeted Categories of Sites to Show Your Ads

Select Gender, Age, Time of Day & Ad-Position/Placement for Best Targeting

Large, Established, High-Quality, Fast Growing Network

Four Different Size Banners & Text Accepted

Upload Your Banners or Let Us Create Eye-Catching Banners for You

Display Your Banners & Ads All Over the Internet

Your graphic & banner ads are displayed on tens of thousands of web sites all over the internet on your behalf.

Every time your banner ads are shown on our network to real & targeted people - that counts as an ad impression. When people click on your ad and go to your web site that counts as a click-thru. On our network, for a very low cost you can purchase ad impressions AND/OR click-thru's.

One thing to know about banner advertising (sometimes referred to as display advertising) is that the more times that your ads are displayed to a greater number of people .... the more familiar that your company and business will become to prospective customers. This is called building brand awareness. All the best and most successful businesses know  that "on average" you generally need to make as many as 4 - 7 impressions on a person's mind before their awareness will begin to warm up to the idea of making a purchase or trying a product or service.

Banner advertising is one great way to drive targeted traffic direct to your web site & at the same time build the brand awareness for your business & products to the internet public. Our banner advertising network is an established, proven successful, high-quality network of tens of thousands of web sites with hundreds of thousands of web pages. Our network is currently delivering banner impressions and click-thru's at a rate of well OVER 400 million banner ad impressions and hundreds of thousands of valuable click-thru's from targeted interested people who are ready to make a purchase. 

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