Different Types of Caching in ASP.Net

ASP.NET Supports Three Type of Caching
  1. Page Output caching [Output caching ]
  2. Fragment caching [Output caching ]
  3. Data Caching
ASP.NET provides support for page, partial page (Fragment), and data caching. Caching a page that is dynamically generated, called page output caching . In page caching when a pages is cached that dynamically generated only the first time it is accessed. Any subsequent access to the same page will be returned from the cache.. ASP.NET also allow to Cached a portion of a page called Partial page caching or Fragment Caching . Other server data are cached (e.g. SQL Server data, XML Data ) that can be easily accessed with out re-retrieving that data using data Caching . caching reduce number of round trip of database and other data source. ASP.NET provides a full-featured data cache engine, complete with support for scavenging (based on cache priority) , expiration, and file and key , Time dependencies . There are two locations where caching can be used to improve performance in ASP.NET applications.
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