What is Caching in ASP.Net

Web applications are accessed by multiple users. A web site can have an extremely low load for minimum number of client access which provide faster access of the sites or may be heavy load on the site can increase exponentially which can slow down the server as well as access of Sites . Slow access is the most common problem for any web site when it is accessed by a large number of client simultaneously. For resolve this problem we can have used high level of hardware configuration, Load Balancer , High bandwidth but load is not the only reason that make a web site is slow , so we need to provide such kind of mechanism which also provide fast data access and provide performance improvement of web site. Caching provide the solution.

Caching is a technique where we can store frequently used data and Web pages are stored temporarily on local hard disks for later retrieval. This technique improves the access time when multiple users access a Web site simultaneously or a single user accesses a Web site multiple times. Caching for Web applications can occur on the client (browser caching), on a server between the client and the Web server (proxy caching / Reverse Proxy Caching), and on the Web server itself (page caching or data caching).

Maximum time we chose web server to store cached data though it improved the performance but it does not solve our purpose every time. If we consider about load on Web Server we have to consider about the location that when the cached data should store.
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