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The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Official (Gameplay) Trailer

Dragons Of Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim have 18 skills - Alchemy, Alteration, Archery, Block, Conjuration, Destruction, Enchanting, Heavy Armor, Illusion, Light Armor, Lockpicking, One-Handed, Pickpocket, Restoration, Smithing, Sneak, Speech, Two-Handed

Magic Skills

Alteration - This type of magic deals with altering the world around you. Spells include: Candlelight, Oakflesh, and Transmute

Conjuration - This type of magic deals with summoning creatures and creating weapons of pure magic. Spells include: Conjure Familiar, Conjure Flame Atronarch, Bound Sword

Destruction - This type of magic deals with channeling the elements of fire, ice, and lightning into increasingly destructive properties. Spells include: Flames, Sparks, and Frostbite.

Enchanting - The art of enchanting weapons/armors/items in order to provide both offensive and defensive magic without the need for a magic proficiency.

Illusion - This type of magic deals with creating illusions and manipulating the mind. Spells include: Clairvoyance

Restoration - This type of magic deals with healing you and your companions. Spells include: Healing, Cure Disease, and Cure Poison.

Combat Skills

Archery - This skill determines your proficiency with the bow and arrow. If used with the right poisons, this weapon can help give you the upper hand when it comes to facing off against multiple opponents.

Block - This skill determines how well you can use the shield to fend off against oncoming attacks.

Heavy Armor - This skill determines how well you can function in combat while wearing Heavy Armor. You can eventually unlock a perk that negates the armor's weight when you wear it

One-Handed - This skill determines how well you can use a One-Handed weapon, such as a sword or battle axe.

Smithing - The art of creating armors and jewelry with various materials. Masters of this craft can forge different types of armors to sell and wear.

Two-Handed - This skill determines how well you can use a Two-Handed weapon, like a greatsword.


Alchemy - The art of creating potions and poisons from ingredients that can be found throughout the world. The better your skill, the more effective the potions/poisons.

Light Armor - This skill determines how well you can function in combat in Light Armors.

Lockpicking - The ability to open locks without the need for a key. Masters of this skill need not worry about breaking a lockpick while trying to open a locked item.

Pickpocket - The ability to look through another characters inventory without getting caught.

Sneak - The ability to move around a room filled with enemies without being seen or heard. Useful for setting up traps and ambushes before going into battle.

Speech - The art of the silver tongue, used for gaining better prices on both ends of a bargain and for persuading the different citizens of Skyrim.

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