Wikipedia Blackout - Wikipedia Black out Protest over Piracy Bill | SOPA, #BlackoutSOPA , Piracy Bill PIPA, Jimmy Castor, sopa pipa, NDAA

Wikipedia is the latest Web site to plan a blackout for Wednesday to protest two Congressional bills intended to curtail copyright violations on the Internet.

Over the past month, SOPA (the Stop Online Piracy Act (H.R. 3261,) has been the hottest, most controversial news topics. The proposed legislation required the take-down of infringed content from ISPs, search engines and webmasters. The good news is, SOPA has been shelved … for now.

Wikipedia will black out the English language version of its website on Wednesday to protest anti-piracy legislation under consideration in Congress, the foundation behind the popular community-based online encyclopaedia said in a statement.

The website will go dark for 24 hours in an unprecedented move that brings added muscle to a growing base of critics of the legislation. Wikipedia is considered one of the internet's most popular websites, with millions of visitors daily.

The foundation behind the site, Wikimedia, says it is still collecting input from users and expects to make its final decision later Monday evening on the details of the protest based on that feedback. However, a large-scale blackout is expected at this time.

“We are looking at a powerful protest,” said Jay Walsh, spokesman for the foundation.

The Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect Intellectual Property Act pending in Congress are designed to crack down on sales of pirated U.S. products overseas.
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